Mission Statement
Providing a safe space for women to reclaim their lives through a pathway of awareness, empowerment and parenting programmes.About WE:ARE Women’s Empowerment and Recovery Educators
WE:ARE Women’s Empowerment and Recovery Educators are a Birmingham based organisation providing a safe and supportive environment for women who have been subjected to domestic abuse.
You can work your way through our pathway of programmes until you are ready to move on.
We suggest starting with the Freedom Programme where you can join us with on zoom or face to face.
Call Donna on 07497 105 712 for more details
Key Values
- Compassion and Commitment
- Hope and Healing
- Innovate and Influence
- Educate and Empower
- Free from Fear
The History of WE:ARE
The original organisation started life in 1998 as the Allens Croft Project working in community development and supporting young people and elderly residents in the local area.
The domestic abuse project was added in 2002 and grew out of the need identified by two survivors who recognised that the underlying issue behind almost everyone who was coming into the project for advice was domestic abuse.
Whether the presenting issue was benefits, debt, housing, children, mental health, drink, drugs, social services involvement, on further inquiry domestic abuse was the reason behind every presenting issue.
The project soon started gaining recognition throughout the City, gaining awards and funding opportunities and became known as the Birmingham Freedom Project. In 2016 the organisation changed hands to a new management committee of health professionals who had an interest in women and children’s health, especially those impacted by domestic abuse.
The organisation now exclusively supports women who have experienced abuse and offers a pathway of programmes.
For many years we’ve been informally known as Birmingham Freedom Project, and in November 2019 we changed our name to reflect what we actually do: WE:ARE Women’s Empowerment And Recovery Educators.
Vision Statement
Safe homes, safe hearts, safe minds.
Thank you to our funders